Survey and ortho mosaic preparation of land belonging to Shree Ramnath Damodar temple in the State of Goa.

Client: Shree Ramnath Damodar Saushtan

Area covered: 520 acres


Scope of work for the project:

  • Orthomasaic photos of Land

Survey of AIP dam from RI.93.20 to 82.00 m using drone at Keri in Sattari Taluka


Area covered: Approx 656 acres

Scope of work for the project:

  • Topographical survey
  • Contouring
  • Quantity estimation of Dam using trapezoidal Volumetric Method

Monthly monitoring of waste at waste treatment plant at Sonsodo Dump. Margao- Goa

Primary Client: Goa Waste Management Corporation.

(Contractor: Hindustan Waste Treatment Pvt. Ltd.).

Scope of work for the project:

  • 3D model of the area,
  • Orthomosaic superimposed google earth overlapped model for checking of contamination
  • Quantity estimation & project report.

Contour Survey, Aerial photography, preparing 3D models, calculation of dump quantity using drones of dump belonging to Sunrise Zinc Ltd. at Cuncolim-Goa.

Client: Goa Pollution Control Board

Scope of work for the project:

  • Orthomosaic
  • Contour
  • Quantity Estimation
Aerial Survey
aerial survey 2